January 2021 Issue Vol.11 No.1
Photonic Band Gap Measurements for Two Dimensional Photonic Crystals Employing Dielectric Rods of Alumina in Vacuum
Mr Avishkar V Wanjari
Assistant Professor,
Govindrao Wanjari College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur
Photo Voltaic is the new technology that is being implemented for generating electricity with minimum cost. By 2010 solar photo voltaics will generate electricity in more than 80 countries and, while yet comprising a tiny fraction of the 4800 GW total global power-generating capacity
from all sources, is the fastest growing powergeneration technology in the world. In this assignment, with the help of CST software a new type of Photonic crystal is fabricated and its applications are discussed. The CST software will help the students understand the designing
of Photonic crystal. Also the assignment highlights the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy in daily life.